X Politikus Bawang. Dated 7 April 2024. Whether or not the offences (against Muslims) are intentionally, or unintentionally, the fact remains that the acts done were, and still are, offensive to Muslims. ISLAM has been a target of attack from various sides, locally (Malaysia), as well as Internationally. What is happening? Why is this happening? How much more must Muslims tolerate? In the holy month of Ramadhan 1445H (2024), Malaysia faced multiple controversies on this subject matter. Whether or not the offences (against Muslims) are intentionally, or unintentionally, the fact remains that the acts done were, and still are, offensive to Muslims. It does not help ease the tension when the World is witnessing the biggest genocide in human history by Israel when they continuously, and still are, attacking Muslims in their quest to conquer Palestine. To add oil to the fire, the Indian government led by Prime Minister Modi had, and is still demonstrating, cold and aggressive treatments to...