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10 Manifesto Promises Met?

X Politikus Bawang. Dated 18 August 2018.

(Source: New Straits Times 18 August 2018)


Bawang Ranum

How Much More Should Muslims Tolerate?

X Politikus Bawang. Dated 7 April 2024. Whether or not the offences (against Muslims) are intentionally, or unintentionally, the fact remains that the acts done were, and still are, offensive to Muslims. ISLAM has been a target of attack from various sides, locally (Malaysia), as well as Internationally. What is happening? Why is this happening? How much more must Muslims tolerate? In the holy month of Ramadhan 1445H (2024), Malaysia faced multiple controversies on this subject matter. Whether or not the offences (against Muslims) are intentionally, or unintentionally, the fact remains that the acts done were, and still are, offensive to Muslims. It does not help ease the tension when the World is witnessing the biggest genocide in human history by Israel when they continuously, and still are, attacking Muslims in their quest to conquer Palestine. To add oil to the fire, the Indian government led by Prime Minister Modi had, and is still demonstrating, cold and aggressive treatments to

Penjawat Awam Naik Angin Apabila Gaji Mereka Dipersoalkan

X Politikus Bawang. Dated 29 April 2020 Minggu ke-6 Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) untuk pandemik Covid-19 membuat beberapa ahli korporat Melayu mempersoalkan perihal penggajian penjawat awam yang perlu dikurangkan selaras dengan keadaan ekonomi semasa. Sehubungan dengan itu, ada Penjawat Awam yang tidak puas hati. Sebagai contoh, Puan Nurul Adni, dimana, beliau telah member komen di Facebook seperti berikut: ***** (Sumber: Facebook Nurul Adni 29 April 2020, 10.41 malam) Minggu ke-6 PKP. 1) duCk (Dapat 'business grant' dari Kerajaan) 2) Mydin (Kedai 1Malaysia sapu kontrak Kerajaan) 3) Naza (Toksah cakaplah. Arwah bapak dia mula bukak empayar dengan AP kurniaan Kerajaan. Takdak bantuan Kerajaan, tak merasa dia hidup kat kayangan) 'Anymore smart alec' yang nak cari pasal dengan penjawat awam lagi? paling afdhal geng-geng yang banyak dapat benefit dari Kerajaan. spesis ni yang paling suka tikam penjawat awam. Cepat, sementara masih PKP ni. Kenapal

Anwar Must Repair the Malaysian Economy

X Politikus Bawang. Dated 19 December 2022.  ANWAR IBRAHIM  (Dato' Sri) must repair the Malaysian economy. The Malayasian citizens have gone through many rounds of turmoil driven by political instability since 2018 as fuelled by the demographic sentiments such as race and religion, scandals like the 1MDB debacle; and of course, the not so encouraging socio-economy. Ideologies aside, the Malaysian people has spoken. Despite the clear Malay tsunami, they are giving a chance to Anwar's Pakatan Harapan  Government  (with the inclusion of Barisan National) to lead Malaysia out of the current state of inadequacies. Anwar must show economic progress; or else, the Malay tsunami will get bigger in the next General Election five years from now and it may lead to another political instability whilst Malaysia struggle to re-emerge as the Asian Tiger like it used to be many years ago. On day 1 of Anwar's administration, that is 24 November 2022, the below was the Malaysian state of affa

100 Hari Pakatan Harapan Memerintah

X Politikus Bawang. Dated 17 August 2018. Hari ni sudah 100 hari Pakatan Harapan (PH) memerintah Malaysia. Rakyat sudah memilih semasa 9 Mei 2018. Adakah rakyat membuat pilihan yang betul? Entahlah. Kalau kita baca surat khabar atau internet, tak habis-habis menghentam pembangkang iaitu pihak Barisan Nasional (BN). Pelik jugak. Siapa yang pembangkang? Siapa yang Kerajaan? Apa-apa hal pun, biarlah Rakyat di minda dan di hati politikus agar berbaloi untuk Rakyat yang merubah landskap politik Malaysia pada 9 Mei 2018 tempoh hari. Blog Post ini adalah yang pertama untuk Politikus Bawang sempena 100 hari pemerintahan Kerajaan PH. Blog ini akan terus memantau gerak-geri politikus Malaysia, tidak kira dari pihak Kerajaan atau pihak Pembangkang, dan akan berkhidmat untuk mengetengahkan isu-isu yang relevan untuk Rakyat memahami hak mereka dan sekaligus, dapat membuat kesimpulan yang memadai sebagai pengundi dan penentu Kerajaan. Ingat! Rakyat mesti bertanggung-jawab untuk memahami isu-isu y

PMX Goes to Anwar After a Quarter of Century

X Politikus Bawang. Dated 28 November 2022.  ANWAR IBRAHIM (Dato' Sri) has finally got what he wanted after a long 25 years wait, in and out of jail. On 24 November 2022, he was sworn in as the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia (Anwar or PMX). I have my reservations with this character holding the highest executive role in the country. Why? Let me try to elaborate. PSYCHOTIC NARCISSISTIC CHARACTER This is a man who seem to portray his self-interest as priority so much so that many have left him since the establishment of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) in 1998/199. Over the years people like Chandra Muzaffar and Cikgu Sidek (who had just passed away recently on 25 November 2022) have given testimonies justifying why they have decided to not continue their support for Anwar and had even shared more insights on this Anwar character. It is believed that Anwar suffers multi-personality disorder mixing both Islamic extremism with liberalism, mixing both socialism with capitalism, mixing mora